Category Archives: Web Development
CSS Vertical Padding in a Span Element
If you have worked with CSS a fair amount then you are undoubtedly familiar with the span element. And if you have worked with the span element then you have likely scratched your head and possibly pulled out some hair … Continue reading
Accept Terms and Conditions using jQuery Dialog
There may be a page on your web site that you want to protect by forcing visitors to read a disclaimer or accept terms and conditions before viewing the page contents. This is entirely possible with the jQuery JavaScript library … Continue reading
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ASP.NET C# – Numeric TextBox control validation
There are times when you need to ensure numeric values are entered into a TextBox control. This can be accomplished using a CompareValidator with the Operator attribute set to "DataTypeCheck" and Type attribute set to the numeric type (Double or … Continue reading
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ASP.NET C# – Retrieving an HTTP Request Parameter
In the C# code use the QueryString array within the Request object to retrieve request values. In the example below the query string parameter named “parm” (no quotes) was received in the HTTP GET request. Request URL: C# code: … Continue reading
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ASP.NET Architecture
ASP pages can be written in one of 2 ways – inline or code-behind. Code-behind pages separate the user interface from the business logic, making it a better choice in most cases. From an architecture perspective, code-behind files allow for … Continue reading